Posts Tagged ‘harjeet’

Harjeet Kakkar : Top Ten Reasons for global recession

November 20, 2008

Venue Bangalore India conference room

Event: Group discussion for management trainee selection


Topic  Global recession ..reasons and impact on India

Answers were interesting … i would like to share them with the web world


1. Osama ( she meant obama) does not want outsourcing to India

2. Obama wants to keep all jobs for black Americans

3. Banks in usa gave huge loans to India and china which they could not repay

4. Iraq war has driven usa bankrupt

5. Usa has printed lots of fake currency without gold standards causing inflation

6. American banks gave lot of loans to citizens without paperwork and they defaulted

7. America has no black money to support its white economy

8. China has caused usa bankruptcy to be a superpower

9. There were no rains in usa this year causing food shortage and inflation ( this one  I liked the best)

10. People in usa take home loans but spend them else where on good food and clothes.

I can go on and on . Youth of today. They would browse the net for hours for all sorts of info. But young MBA’s had no clue . In the end i made an open offer . Anyone who answers “What is sub prime mortgage  crisis?” gets a job right away. 

126 answers …all wrong , weird and hilarious.

god help the world ..:)